Blogs Archives | AVEVA Leading Industrial Software and Automation Solutions Sun, 17 Dec 2023 15:19:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Blogs Archives | AVEVA 32 32 Five Reasons Subscription Shouldn’t be a Bad Word for Automation Software Sun, 17 Dec 2023 15:19:54 +0000 http://drago_nssi Consider the traditional model for HMI and SCADA software: You buy a perpetual license for operations control (HMI and SCADA) software based on your existing systems or equipment, and choose your software based on compatibility with what is already installed, features you require, and the team you have to develop and implement it. You hope that software will serve… Continue reading Five Reasons Subscription Shouldn’t be a Bad Word for Automation Software

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Consider the traditional model for HMI and SCADA software: You buy a perpetual license for operations control (HMI and SCADA) software based on your existing systems or equipment, and choose your software based on compatibility with what is already installed, features you require, and the team you have to develop and implement it. You hope that software will serve you for years as your equipment ages, dependent operating systems go out of support or become obsolete, and your workforce changes.

Subscription is almost a dirty word for many companies; why pay regularly for something you can purchase once? But when you consider the traditional model of software procurement, there are limitations that only become obvious after you’ve run your system nearly to failure and are faced with a massive upgrade project to bring your systems up to date, add operators to thin clients, or scale your system up with more I/O points.

A rapidly changing industry, a transitioning workforce, and a quicker pace of software development may leave companies using perpetual licenses frozen in time as their competitors take advantage of new technologies. That’s why it might be time to look at operations control software in a new light. Here are some of the reasons it’s time to stop considering subscription software for operations control only as a recurring cost instead of a future-proofing opportunity. 

Two people wearing hard hats looking at a tablet

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Embrace the flexibility of subscription solutions for software. Consider AVEVA Operations Control; a new offer that allows you to tailor your monitor and control software to your current and future needs and effortlessly innovate and grow.

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Subscription Gets You Started Quickly, With Low Initial Investments

Traditional SCADA or HMI software licenses demand a high initial expenditure and a lot of guesswork as you try to anticipate what you’ll need now, as well as years in the future. Subscription licenses, however, allow you to make a much lower initial investment, and unlimited clients and tag counts available in subscription offers for AVEVA Operations Control take the guesswork out of buying automation software. With multiple development environments to choose from, you can get started immediately and operate with the confidence, knowing you’ll have the freedom to switch software, include as many data points as you need, add operators, or change architectures at any time.

More Freedom to Experiment and Adopt New Technology Early

No company imagines they won’t grow. Building your SCADA or HMI system only for what exists now locks you into a single architecture, potentially for years. Subscription options, however, allow you to keep up with the pace of technology. AVEVA’s platform agnostic approach to operations control software means you’ll have the ability to add equipment, connect to new protocols, or meet new regulatory requirements or industry standards. When combined with the power of unlimited data points, cloud capabilities, and even the ability to choose from multiple software solutions, a subscription model can give you the power to innovate, experiment with architectures, and implement new technologies without the risk of overinvesting.

Operations Software That’s Always Supported (And More Secure)

It was only a matter of time until Ransomware and Malware began targeting operations software. Having systems that rely on obsolete or unsupported operating systems and integrate with unsupported software is no longer an option. Business must always use supported and updated software to mitigate security threats (and avoid liability for breaches). Unfortunately, a traditional perpetual model for SCADA and HMI software can create incentives to use unsupported operating systems or operations control software, even when unpatched vulnerabilities and active exploits exist. Subscription models remove these incentives by ensuring you’re always on the most recent version of your operations control software, with all the patches and security updates that entails. There’s no excuse for running a vulnerable system just because it’s cheaper to hope nothing happens than to buy an updated version.

Decrease Your Reliance on Institutional Knowledge

Even if your monitoring and control software is frozen in time, your workforce won’t be. Attrition, turnover, and the increasing move to automated positions mean that you can always expect your team to change over time. If you only have the choice of one software for operations control, and specifically only one version, you may fall into the trap relying on specific individuals who know how to use or develop it. What do you do when those individuals leave? Even worse, what do you do when those individuals are resistant to updates or changes to your software stack because they aren’t familiar with it? You may lose out on new features or technologies like cloud development or the ability to try different HMI or SCADA software. One way to combat this resistance to change is to create a culture of innovation that allows for and expects employees to be agile. Subscription solutions for automation software are an excellent way to institute this culture. When your workforce knows they are expected to keep pace with technology, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how well they’ll rise to the occasion.

No More Surprise Costs for Operations Control Software

So, you’ve been running your monitor and control software for five years. It’s a few versions behind, but it still works and you see no reason to change it. Then comes the unexpected; a new regulation requires you to implement a feature only available in the newest version of the software. Now, in order to keep up, you must put down a huge investment to upgrade to the most recent version and implement the new capabilities. But what if you always knew, every month, every year what your operations control software was going to cost? Subscription solutions are an excellent way to remove unplanned upgrades from your list of budgeting concerns.Are you ready to embrace the flexibility of subscription solutions for software? Consider AVEVA Operations Control; a new offer that allows you to tailor your monitor and control software to your current and future needs and effortlessly innovate and grow.

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Why not use “The Power of Organized Data” Sun, 17 Dec 2023 15:19:48 +0000 http://drago_nssi The post Why not use “The Power of Organized Data” appeared first on AVEVA.


When it comes to making high-level decisions in any given manufacturing organization, transparency in the plant and workforce is probably the most important. For years this meant manual investigations and meeting after meeting with floor managers, trying to determine what steps need to be taken to ensure all aspects of the plant are running relatively smooth.

Let’s take your enterprise – From the operator to the decision-makers, and label you all the Connected work. Imagine a model where your Connected workers collaborate productively and effectively, where your business decisions become a standard of predictive instead of reactive. Industrial automation technology offers companies new opportunities to streamline operations, increase efficiency, and cut costs.

In our webinar Series – Enabling the connected worker to leverage industrial technology of the future enterprise, you can join our Industry experts in a conversation in concept to bring the connected worker to life in your organization.

This 5 part series will dive into the following :

How we connect the worker
This first part will give you a broad overview of the extensive AVEVA portfolio, breaking it down into 3 parts, engineer, operate, and perform.  Giving you a general concept of how the AVEVA tools can Connect your business.  

How the connected worker operates at the edge
Looking at how the connected worker operates at the edge, our experts will discuss how you can get all your data into context using products like AVEVA Edge, AVEVA System Platform, Model-driven MES, AVEVA Insight, and Manufacturing analytics. Collecting and analyzing all the different data from your multiple sources and systems will ensure accurate KPI’s for your decision-makers.

How the connected worker manages your plant assets
By digitizing your work process your connected workers can close the divide between assets and operation, allowing them to prioritize, plan, schedule, and execute safe and compliant work. In this webinar, we will discuss how AVEVA’s integrated APM solutions will enable your connected worker to manage your assets and cut maintenance costs.

How the connected worker manages data
All your data means nothing if you can’t analyze it. Transforming your real-time data and putting it into context allows your connected worker to bring insight into your business. This is where you will find the necessary information to improve your operations. We will talk about how you can take your data and put it to good use using solutions like AVEVA System Platform, Manufacturing Analytics, AVEVA Insight, and AVEVA Historian

How the connected worker improves on plant performance
Increased plant performance is one of the things high on the priority list. With digital transformation of manufacturing operations, the connected worker can improve productivity and effectiveness because of the transparency of information. We will discuss how the connected worker can leverage solutions like AVEVA System Platform, Recipe Manager, Workflow management, Model-Driven MES, OEE with Aveva Edge to make informed decisions.

Through the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), vast amounts of data relevant to all levels of a business are becoming available in real-time. Yet, without a holistic data strategy and tools to quickly unify, organize, and contextualize such volumes of data, it is challenging to extract relevant insights and important opportunities might be missed.

Learn more about unifying your data and tools and making them accessible to the entire data set, giving you the insights you need to sharpen your data strategy and empower your teams.

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AVEVA Teamwork improves Danone’s operational effectiveness Sun, 17 Dec 2023 15:19:47 +0000 http://drago_nssi The post AVEVA Teamwork improves Danone’s operational effectiveness appeared first on AVEVA.


We gave a duo-presentation with Jorn Vroegh of Danone during the PPA Knowledge Days and shared his rich AVEVA Teamwork experiences. Jorn started his career as an operator, later he became a mentor, an examiner, and today he is the Learning & Development Coordinator at Danone. He explains how he spotted and implemented the product in 2015 and what AVEVA Teamwork brings Danone to daily practice.
AVEVA Teamwork is a very user-friendly mobile application that drives manufacturers’ performance and productivity by giving workers the power to solve problems independently and learn continuously on-the-job.  
Jorn remembers the old situation: “In case of a machine standstill or something like that, it was difficult to come to the right information to solve a problem. We did our very best, but troubleshooting this way was time-consuming and expensive because a machine that is not running costs money. At that time, we had about 200 instructions – on paper – for just a single section. There was a lot of paperwork, and it was never there when you needed it, which can be risky in case of emergencies. Many people here were walking encyclopedias. They had the skills to solve a problem, but the knowledge was stored in their heads and not available for the entire organization. I then realized that this had to be organized smarter, more efficiently.” Jorn shows some slides to explain the steps made.

Instead of calling engineering and waiting for them to arrive, an operator can now pick up an iPad and scan one of the strategically placed QR codes on the equipment in question to access all the information he needs in less than one second. The information includes videos that show the problem and the corresponding videos to solve the problem.
Jorn is also very enthusiastic about the training- and skill-functionality of the platform. “It is a great performance support tool. This is no traditional learning management system, AVEVA Teamwork gives our people the ability to oversee, track and manage their learning.

AVEVA Teamwork has no barriers, and it works intuitively. That makes it easy for everyone to start using it. It is widely accepted and continuously fed.” The success story continues because today, around the globe, 21 sites of Danone use AVEVA Teamwork. It helps the multinational with their paperless journey, connects the factory workers, stimulates ownership, and minimizes human failures.

Jorns advice: “Start small, with a single production line. It takes less than a month until you will see the difference. As soon as people see that AVEVA Teamwork really works, they will adopt it and support it, and that is the moment to take the next step forward and accelerate. It is like organizing a party, and it is a tool that your operators deserve to have. It is extremely educational and helps people to expand and share their knowledge.”

Contact us to learn how AVEVA Teamwork can drive your factory’s performance and productivity by connecting your factory workers to your digital operations. Let’s get in touch to present a live Demo.

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Wonderware Scandinavia delivers AVEVA System Platform solution for Norsk Kylling AS new factory in Orkanger Sun, 17 Dec 2023 15:19:47 +0000 http://drago_nssi The post Wonderware Scandinavia delivers AVEVA System Platform solution for Norsk Kylling AS new factory in Orkanger appeared first on AVEVA.


Wonderware Scandinavia and AVEVA software selected for Norsk Kylling’s new factory in Orkanger

Norsk Kylling AS is in full swing with the construction of a new slaughterhouse and production facility in Orkanger. The factory will be one of the world’s most modern for slaughtering and processing chicken. Wonderware Scandinavia with AVEVA software has been chosen as the supplier of a complete production system for the new factory.

The software solution from AVEVA includes:

The implementation of the project is carried out by Wonderware’s Endorsed system integrator GoodTech AS.

Geir Nygaard, Sales Manager at Wonderware Scandinavia; “We are very proud that AVEVA software has been chosen for this ambitious project and look forward to a long and good collaboration with Norsk Kylling and the REMA group”.

This year, Norsk Kylling was nominated for the Business’s Climate Award 2020 for the development and construction of a new slaughter and processing plant in Orkanger with world-leading environmental solutions in the global food industry. The factory will be 40,000 sqm and will be ready during the spring of 2021.

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Interacting systems are crucial in hospital operations at Odense University Hospital Sun, 17 Dec 2023 15:19:46 +0000 http://drago_nssi The post Interacting systems are crucial in hospital operations at Odense University Hospital appeared first on AVEVA.


This is a translation of a danish article published in Hospital Drift & Arkitektur, Nytår 2020/2021, by Science Journalist Gordon Vahle, If you want to read the article in danish you find it on page 22-24 on this link:

Download english version 

Interacting systems are crucial in hospital operations

Wonderware Scandinavia, authorized distributor of AVEVA Industrial Software solutions, specialises in systems that, ultimately, help hospitals deliver the right services, in the required quality, and at the right time. As the name implies, it is not only about solutions designed solely for hospitals. It is about managing processes and bringing systems together as one. Sales Representative Henrik Dybdahl Andersen from Wonderware Scandinavia puts it this way:

Efficient hospital operations is basically about insight. Where is the equipment located? When? In what condition is it?” he says. This is, of course, a simplification. But it serves to describe some of the key demands to the solutions Wonderware delivers.

One example is a new logistics system and supply chain to Region Hovedstaden (the capital region of Denmark) following the decision to close down 10 Central Sterile Supply Departments (CSSDs) and replace them with two new, fully automated CSSDs. The two new CSSDs will provide all operating rooms in the region’s 10 hospitals with sterile instruments and other equipment, requiring a complete re-build of the logistics system from the ground up.

Another is a comprehensive system to integrate building management systems (BMS), manufacturing execution systems (MES), and a range of other systems at the new university hospital (Nyt OUH) in Odense, some 150 kilometres from Copenhagen, expected to open in 2023.

BMS – and more

Leveraging AVEVA’s extensive experience from the process industry, the new platform that will bring the systems at Nyt OUH together does not adhere to traditional boundaries within a hospital. After all, employees – whether they work in clinical care, building operations, logistics, medical technology, surveillance, service, administration, or any other function – are working to provide the best care possible to patients. So why should the systems controlling the processes be separated?

They shouldn’t,” points out Henrik Dybdahl Andersen, who would in fact like to bring in even more aspects, such as booking and managing patient flow, into the platform. While that level of integration has not been reached just yet, Wonderware is still raising the bar with its solution for Nyt OUH.

Not only will BMS, HVAC, water, access control, lighting, fire alarm, sun blinds, etc. work together as one system; the entire logistics system is also connected, offering a complete overview of operating rooms, CSSD, elevators, AGV (Automated Guided Vehicles), track & trace of goods, manufacturing, pneumatic tube mail etc.

In other words: The dream of always knowing where things are at any given time is very nearly coming true.

Searching for items 20 % of the time

Why is complete control of everything crucial in a hospital? Henrik Dybdahl Andersen offers a relatively simple explanation:

Studies show that there is a 20 percent time saving to be gained if everybody knows where everything is. Conversely, this means that employees spend one-fifth of their time searching for various items, ordering goods they thought were in stock, waiting for transport, getting the right systems up and running, etc.,” he says. “Running a hospital at its optimum performance requires a lot of moving parts, and the systems that make those parts move must also work together and communicate with each other. This is why BMS, MES, access control, booking systems, track & trace and everything else should ideally be connected via a common platform.

An ordinary day in the operating room

AVEVA Industrial Software’s platform is widely used in complex process applications, including the pharmaceutical and chemical industries and food & beverage. But is also used in infrastructure, utilities, and other industries.

We leverage our experience from these industries and apply them to the hospitals,” explains Henrik Dybdahl Andersen with an illustrative example: The preparation and logistics required for a surgical procedure.

The operation is booked via a booking system, initiating a requisition of the sterile utensils needed from the CSSD. These may be located in different places, may need to be sterilised, and must be picked up by an AGV or other robot.

Each packaging has an ID (chip or bar code) that shows when and where the item in question was sterilised, by chich autoclave and where and how it has been stored. On the day of the procedure, the operating room is heated to the required temperature in time for the patient and surgical team’s arrival. The same goes for pressure, temperature, ventilation, humidity, etc. The system has also performed a check to ensure that medical gases, lighting, power supply, and everything else are in perfect working order.

An AGV picks up the utensils, having already calculated the most passable route. If any obstructions have been put in its path, it is alerted by the planning system and will calculate another route. The AGV autonomously orders an elevator and makes sure others cannot use the elevator until the transport has reached the right floor.

Traceability detects errors in time

If any of these sub-processes do not happen at the right time and in the right place, the entire process is interrupted and delayed. Systems must be able to communicate even if the hospital uses different systems for building operations, booking, track & trace, surveillance, and so on. And it is precisely this communication the common platform handles.

But it is in fact equally important that the system can interfere if something goes wrong. Traceability is paramount in hospitals and the pharmaceutical industry. With a system that – so to speak – is keeping tracks of everything, errors can be rectified before they progress and may have more severe consequences,” Henrik Dybdahl Andersen says, adding: “If an autoclave reports a failure or that there is a margin of error in the sterilisation process, you can recall and pick up only the utensils that were in that particular autoclave at that particular time. You won’t need to recall all other equipment that has been correctly sterilised on the day in question.

Security is paramount

AVEVA’s platform could be compared to a railroad control centre. The system must tie together the various train stations – the operational IT systems – with each other and make sure that cargo and passengers – the data – are always delivered to the right place at the right time. However, while train stations are fairly easily connected given that railroad tracks are the same across most countries, things get slightly more complicated in the world of IT. IT systems are usually not designed for communicating with each other. Following our railroad analogy, this would be the equivalent of connecting the train stations with tracks of varying gauge, forcing the use of bogies at each station.

In IT, communication between systems is usually enabled by making systems open. But that is a no-go for hospitals. Instead, we use encrypted connections to translate data from different systems to one common language,” explains Henrik Dybdahl Andersen.

With the entire hospital operation depending on communication between systems, extra focus has been put on security and reliability. Wonderware expects an uptime of at least 99,9 percent, not least due to double redundancy across the entire platform.

Human error is unlikely

There is no human involvement in the daily planning, so the risk of human error is minimal,” Henrik Dybdahl Andersen points out.

It must, of course, be possible to adapt the system to changes. New systems can be added, and maybe an incident in one place must trigger other reactions elsewhere than initially planned.

Changing and adapting the systems is relatively easy because it is object-oriented and based on templates. This means that changes are automatically updated to all other relevant parts of the system, and the changelog ensures that documentation is always up to date,” says Henrik Dybdahl Andersen.

He emphasizes that the employees who will be working with the system will undergo extensive education. Training in the new system is already underway at Wonderware and as self-studies. It will be supplemented with thorough onboarding as the various parts of Nyt OUH are commissioned in 2023.

The AVEVA System Platform for bringing functions and systems together will have no impact on the ongoing work on existing operational IT systems for building management or others. But a number of new systems for managing AGV, pneumatic tube mail, track & trace etc., will be added – systems that are not used in the current Odense University Hospital.

If you have any questions regarding Nyt OUH and the AVEVA Solutions, click on the Contact button and we will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also contact our Sales Director, Peder Henriksen. Contact details to our offices you find in the Contact Us section.

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Business Value with Data-Driven Analysis Sun, 17 Dec 2023 15:19:45 +0000 http://drago_nssi The post Business Value with Data-Driven Analysis appeared first on AVEVA.


Wonderware Scandinavia and Benelux collaborates with Crosser to simplify industrial IoT projects by harmonizing and transforming large amounts of data from different data sources into a common format for deeper analysis.

The industry is digitizing towards increased sustainability, efficiency, and competitiveness in a global market, and this affects companies’ organization and processes. Industries can already today analyse and act in real time on parts of their data – but not all data.

Studies show that the industry only acts on about 32% of its process data, in other words there is a lot of room for future innovation, but at the same time the industry lacks resources and means to accelerate its digital projects.

The development company Välinge Innovation AB, owner, and innovator of, among other things, the technology for glueless click flooring, early realized the importance of a simple and flexible innovation process during its digitalisation journey. Jimmy Olofsson, IT-manager at Välinge Innovations AB, explains:

– “The innovation lies in our culture. It is an attitude as well as a way of working. We want to be able to try ideas and solutions on a smaller scale, quickly and easily, and if the outcome is as we intended, scale them up to our entire business.”

Wonderware Scandinavia, follows Välinge on their digitalisation journey. Peter Karlsson, General Manager at Wonderware Scandinavia says:

– “Our role is to provide systems and support for all types of industries. Välinge is a good example of how innovative companies are looking for new ways to streamline and optimize their business with the help of data”.

Välinges request for Wonderware Scandinavia was to help with a solution that meets the need to retrieve, harmonize and convert data, test on a small scale and then quickly scale up.

The choice of platform was the Swedish Crosser and their Edge Analytics Platform for Industrial IoT. Crosser contributes with its Low-Code studio, cloud-based deployment environment and locally installed Edge Node to the AVEVA the portfolio.

Mikael Samuelsson, Director of Strategic Partnerships and Alliances at Crosser, explains:

– “We are very proud of the collaboration with Wonderware. They are a modern and active industrial partner, and together we can help Välinge to simplify their digital innovation work. The synergy between AVEVA’s broad portfolio, their long experience and Crosser’s unique edge platform gives the industry new opportunities to accelerate its digital transformation. Together with Wonderware, we create a strong platform for innovative companies and organizations to explore larger parts of their data, in a faster and easier way”.

About Crosser Technologies
Crosser is a Swedish software company with installations in over 20 different countries. We design and develop a Low-Code software platform for Streaming Analytics, Automation and Integration for any Edge, On-premise or Cloud. Our aim is to remove complexity, simplify development and to enable non-programmers to innovate faster with a dramatically lower total cost of ownership. Our vision is that there are enormous business opportunities for companies When Machines Talk(™).

The software is ideally suited for Enterprise customers of various Industrial verticals such as Process Industry, Manufacturing, Utilities and other asset rich verticals. The modular and flexible solutions enable many different applications, including Industry 4.0, Industrial IoT and next generation Hybrid Integration, also called Hyper Automation by Gartner.
Industrial customers include, SCA AB, Valmet Corporation, Novo Nordisk, Gebhardt, Clarebout Potatoes and RubbleMaster.

Crosser was included in the “Cool Vendors in IoT Edge Computing, 2018” report by Gartner, Inc. and was named among the Top 10 Smart Factory Solutions in Europe 2020 by the industry magazine Manufacturing Technology Insights.

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Are your daily operations antiquated? Sun, 17 Dec 2023 15:19:45 +0000 http://drago_nssi The post Are your daily operations antiquated? appeared first on AVEVA.


Learn how Tetra Pak empowered their workforce to improve plant productivity and drive excellence in their operations

Despite our advances in automation and the progress of industry 4.0, many of the tools and processes we use in support of our daily operations are antiquated. The result is disconnected information not available at the point of need.

For many companies, the current way of capturing and sharing operational knowledge is not effective. Work instructions are stored in binders off the plant floor, they are often incomplete and out of date. The main reason being because instructions are still largely written and in paper format, making it time-consuming to create, update and publish. And these instructions are ineffective because reading text takes longer to understand and can be easily misinterpreted – if a picture is worth a thousand words; video is worth a million. We are also experiencing unprecedented change triggered by a global pandemic and a rise in remote work. Traditional written formats can’t keep up with the rapid pace of information in today’s industrial environments.

Tetra Pak have  have implemented a solution that significantly helped them to improve in team collaboration and knowledge exchange, with the connected workers. If you are interested to hear more about this solution, you can watch our recorded webinar where Johan Lantz, Global World Class Manufacturing Implementation Manager, is talking about how this solution have helped them to improve plant productivity and drive excellence in their operations.

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Five Reasons Subscription Shouldn’t be a Bad Word for Automation Software Sun, 17 Dec 2023 15:18:45 +0000 http://drago_nssi Consider the traditional model for HMI and SCADA software: You buy a perpetual license for operations control (HMI and SCADA) software based on your existing systems or equipment, and choose your software based on compatibility with what is already installed, features you require, and the team you have to develop and implement it. You hope that software will serve… Continue reading Five Reasons Subscription Shouldn’t be a Bad Word for Automation Software

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Consider the traditional model for HMI and SCADA software: You buy a perpetual license for operations control (HMI and SCADA) software based on your existing systems or equipment, and choose your software based on compatibility with what is already installed, features you require, and the team you have to develop and implement it. You hope that software will serve you for years as your equipment ages, dependent operating systems go out of support or become obsolete, and your workforce changes.

Subscription is almost a dirty word for many companies; why pay regularly for something you can purchase once? But when you consider the traditional model of software procurement, there are limitations that only become obvious after you’ve run your system nearly to failure and are faced with a massive upgrade project to bring your systems up to date, add operators to thin clients, or scale your system up with more I/O points.

A rapidly changing industry, a transitioning workforce, and a quicker pace of software development may leave companies using perpetual licenses frozen in time as their competitors take advantage of new technologies. That’s why it might be time to look at operations control software in a new light. Here are some of the reasons it’s time to stop considering subscription software for operations control only as a recurring cost instead of a future-proofing opportunity. 

Two people wearing hard hats looking at a tablet

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Embrace the flexibility of subscription solutions for software. Consider AVEVA Operations Control; a new offer that allows you to tailor your monitor and control software to your current and future needs and effortlessly innovate and grow.

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Subscription Gets You Started Quickly, With Low Initial Investments

Traditional SCADA or HMI software licenses demand a high initial expenditure and a lot of guesswork as you try to anticipate what you’ll need now, as well as years in the future. Subscription licenses, however, allow you to make a much lower initial investment, and unlimited clients and tag counts available in subscription offers for AVEVA Operations Control take the guesswork out of buying automation software. With multiple development environments to choose from, you can get started immediately and operate with the confidence, knowing you’ll have the freedom to switch software, include as many data points as you need, add operators, or change architectures at any time.

More Freedom to Experiment and Adopt New Technology Early

No company imagines they won’t grow. Building your SCADA or HMI system only for what exists now locks you into a single architecture, potentially for years. Subscription options, however, allow you to keep up with the pace of technology. AVEVA’s platform agnostic approach to operations control software means you’ll have the ability to add equipment, connect to new protocols, or meet new regulatory requirements or industry standards. When combined with the power of unlimited data points, cloud capabilities, and even the ability to choose from multiple software solutions, a subscription model can give you the power to innovate, experiment with architectures, and implement new technologies without the risk of overinvesting.

Operations Software That’s Always Supported (And More Secure)

It was only a matter of time until Ransomware and Malware began targeting operations software. Having systems that rely on obsolete or unsupported operating systems and integrate with unsupported software is no longer an option. Business must always use supported and updated software to mitigate security threats (and avoid liability for breaches). Unfortunately, a traditional perpetual model for SCADA and HMI software can create incentives to use unsupported operating systems or operations control software, even when unpatched vulnerabilities and active exploits exist. Subscription models remove these incentives by ensuring you’re always on the most recent version of your operations control software, with all the patches and security updates that entails. There’s no excuse for running a vulnerable system just because it’s cheaper to hope nothing happens than to buy an updated version.

Decrease Your Reliance on Institutional Knowledge

Even if your monitoring and control software is frozen in time, your workforce won’t be. Attrition, turnover, and the increasing move to automated positions mean that you can always expect your team to change over time. If you only have the choice of one software for operations control, and specifically only one version, you may fall into the trap relying on specific individuals who know how to use or develop it. What do you do when those individuals leave? Even worse, what do you do when those individuals are resistant to updates or changes to your software stack because they aren’t familiar with it? You may lose out on new features or technologies like cloud development or the ability to try different HMI or SCADA software. One way to combat this resistance to change is to create a culture of innovation that allows for and expects employees to be agile. Subscription solutions for automation software are an excellent way to institute this culture. When your workforce knows they are expected to keep pace with technology, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how well they’ll rise to the occasion.

No More Surprise Costs for Operations Control Software

So, you’ve been running your monitor and control software for five years. It’s a few versions behind, but it still works and you see no reason to change it. Then comes the unexpected; a new regulation requires you to implement a feature only available in the newest version of the software. Now, in order to keep up, you must put down a huge investment to upgrade to the most recent version and implement the new capabilities. But what if you always knew, every month, every year what your operations control software was going to cost? Subscription solutions are an excellent way to remove unplanned upgrades from your list of budgeting concerns.Are you ready to embrace the flexibility of subscription solutions for software? Consider AVEVA Operations Control; a new offer that allows you to tailor your monitor and control software to your current and future needs and effortlessly innovate and grow.

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Why not use “The Power of Organized Data” Sun, 17 Dec 2023 15:18:41 +0000 http://drago_nssi The post Why not use “The Power of Organized Data” appeared first on AVEVA.


When it comes to making high-level decisions in any given manufacturing organization, transparency in the plant and workforce is probably the most important. For years this meant manual investigations and meeting after meeting with floor managers, trying to determine what steps need to be taken to ensure all aspects of the plant are running relatively smooth.

Let’s take your enterprise – From the operator to the decision-makers, and label you all the Connected work. Imagine a model where your Connected workers collaborate productively and effectively, where your business decisions become a standard of predictive instead of reactive. Industrial automation technology offers companies new opportunities to streamline operations, increase efficiency, and cut costs.

In our webinar Series – Enabling the connected worker to leverage industrial technology of the future enterprise, you can join our Industry experts in a conversation in concept to bring the connected worker to life in your organization.

This 5 part series will dive into the following :

How we connect the worker
This first part will give you a broad overview of the extensive AVEVA portfolio, breaking it down into 3 parts, engineer, operate, and perform.  Giving you a general concept of how the AVEVA tools can Connect your business.  

How the connected worker operates at the edge
Looking at how the connected worker operates at the edge, our experts will discuss how you can get all your data into context using products like AVEVA Edge, AVEVA System Platform, Model-driven MES, AVEVA Insight, and Manufacturing analytics. Collecting and analyzing all the different data from your multiple sources and systems will ensure accurate KPI’s for your decision-makers.

How the connected worker manages your plant assets
By digitizing your work process your connected workers can close the divide between assets and operation, allowing them to prioritize, plan, schedule, and execute safe and compliant work. In this webinar, we will discuss how AVEVA’s integrated APM solutions will enable your connected worker to manage your assets and cut maintenance costs.

How the connected worker manages data
All your data means nothing if you can’t analyze it. Transforming your real-time data and putting it into context allows your connected worker to bring insight into your business. This is where you will find the necessary information to improve your operations. We will talk about how you can take your data and put it to good use using solutions like AVEVA System Platform, Manufacturing Analytics, AVEVA Insight, and AVEVA Historian

How the connected worker improves on plant performance
Increased plant performance is one of the things high on the priority list. With digital transformation of manufacturing operations, the connected worker can improve productivity and effectiveness because of the transparency of information. We will discuss how the connected worker can leverage solutions like AVEVA System Platform, Recipe Manager, Workflow management, Model-Driven MES, OEE with Aveva Edge to make informed decisions.

Through the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), vast amounts of data relevant to all levels of a business are becoming available in real-time. Yet, without a holistic data strategy and tools to quickly unify, organize, and contextualize such volumes of data, it is challenging to extract relevant insights and important opportunities might be missed.

Learn more about unifying your data and tools and making them accessible to the entire data set, giving you the insights you need to sharpen your data strategy and empower your teams.

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AVEVA Teamwork improves Danone’s operational effectiveness Sun, 17 Dec 2023 15:18:41 +0000 http://drago_nssi The post AVEVA Teamwork improves Danone’s operational effectiveness appeared first on AVEVA.


We gave a duo-presentation with Jorn Vroegh of Danone during the PPA Knowledge Days and shared his rich AVEVA Teamwork experiences. Jorn started his career as an operator, later he became a mentor, an examiner, and today he is the Learning & Development Coordinator at Danone. He explains how he spotted and implemented the product in 2015 and what AVEVA Teamwork brings Danone to daily practice.
AVEVA Teamwork is a very user-friendly mobile application that drives manufacturers’ performance and productivity by giving workers the power to solve problems independently and learn continuously on-the-job.  
Jorn remembers the old situation: “In case of a machine standstill or something like that, it was difficult to come to the right information to solve a problem. We did our very best, but troubleshooting this way was time-consuming and expensive because a machine that is not running costs money. At that time, we had about 200 instructions – on paper – for just a single section. There was a lot of paperwork, and it was never there when you needed it, which can be risky in case of emergencies. Many people here were walking encyclopedias. They had the skills to solve a problem, but the knowledge was stored in their heads and not available for the entire organization. I then realized that this had to be organized smarter, more efficiently.” Jorn shows some slides to explain the steps made.

Instead of calling engineering and waiting for them to arrive, an operator can now pick up an iPad and scan one of the strategically placed QR codes on the equipment in question to access all the information he needs in less than one second. The information includes videos that show the problem and the corresponding videos to solve the problem.
Jorn is also very enthusiastic about the training- and skill-functionality of the platform. “It is a great performance support tool. This is no traditional learning management system, AVEVA Teamwork gives our people the ability to oversee, track and manage their learning.

AVEVA Teamwork has no barriers, and it works intuitively. That makes it easy for everyone to start using it. It is widely accepted and continuously fed.” The success story continues because today, around the globe, 21 sites of Danone use AVEVA Teamwork. It helps the multinational with their paperless journey, connects the factory workers, stimulates ownership, and minimizes human failures.

Jorns advice: “Start small, with a single production line. It takes less than a month until you will see the difference. As soon as people see that AVEVA Teamwork really works, they will adopt it and support it, and that is the moment to take the next step forward and accelerate. It is like organizing a party, and it is a tool that your operators deserve to have. It is extremely educational and helps people to expand and share their knowledge.”

Contact us to learn how AVEVA Teamwork can drive your factory’s performance and productivity by connecting your factory workers to your digital operations. Let’s get in touch to present a live Demo.

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